Saturday, November 8, 2008

Manipur and the AFSPA

Hmm, I don't know how to start on this... I recently came to know about the situation in Manipur (I hate writing about it; you can google it yourself - just type manipur + manoroma) .... as an Indian citizen I am shocked by India's attitude to Manipur. Is Manipur (the North-East in general) a part of India, or is it a colony? True, there are some movements that I know of which are fighting for Independence in Nagaland and perhaps there may be some in Manipur, but by alienating the people of Manipur in the way the Central and the state Governments are doing, it becomes all the more probable that these people will someday hate the rest of India enough to break away from the Indian union. I wish peace to everyone, in Manipur and outside it, and hope that the government at Delhi sees enough sense to withdraw the AFSPA (1958), bring the culprits to book and brings about better contacts between the people and the armed forces - so that even if their presence is necessary in these parts, atleast arbitrary powers like the AFSPA are withdrawn and horrible incidents like the one I've read about never happen again. Also Manipuris should be convinced that they stand to gain much more by being a part of India than by being separate - not just by words (remember the PM's Rs. 10,000 crore package?) but by actions.